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Ethan Klein came back to TikTok in a bizarre manner after a break from the application. After uploading an TikTok video that responds to TrishaPaytas's hilarious videos about his condition, TikTok mysteriously deleted it. Hila Klein who is Ethan Kleins' wife, is a popular internet personality due to the YouTube channel that they run. His humorous style of videos is a great fit for the TikTok platform. The duet video feature allows him to respond and co-comment on a range of content. In the past, his only TikTok posts were for promoting both his popular YouTube and podcast. Ethan Klein, in response Trisha's video post, returned to the social media platform to share the duet he performed together with Trisha. Ethan Klein started by attacking the social media celebrities who were using filters and overly editing their profiles. Trisha paytas came under fire for his jokes. Trisha got angry and went on Twitter to call him disgusting. In many posts, Trisha even mentioned Ethan's wife Hila. Hila is the opposite.

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