Ayiiia Elizarraras
Ayiiia was the realworldcasting.com winner who won a spot on the show because of her loyal and supportive friends who worked with her to win the competition. Ayiiia is of Mexican heritage and is bilingual in Spanish However, it's the first time she's been to Mexico for an extended period. She is a talker. At times she does so with an aggressiveness that makes her adversaries. She quickly finds that living within The Real World house is quite a bit more complicated than she anticipated. Ayiiia was a drug-addicted nightclub girl. Ayiiia is not willing to forget anyone even if she says she loves her and not be judgmental. Ayiiia is in a relationship with one woman. She was searching for a house in San Diego before the reunion. At the time of the reunion, it was revealed that her and Jonna were not close due to conflicts they experienced with each other during the filming.

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